.S N=41 .S N1(40)=1 .S TL(23)=41 .S TC(13)=255 .S T1(23)=1 .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .B SUNAL .S V=P .D .B SUNMA .S V=P .D .!GRND ._ P .!CLRT .P "The altar opens . . . a gleam of gold .P "shows through rotted cloth . . . .P "That's it! The mask is here! .$ P !LOOK %LOAL .I T1(23)#1 .T P "The altar is empty. .E P "There is a golden mask in the altar! !HERE .S A=A %LO23 .I T0(23):0 .T P "The mask is golden, with dark eyeholes. .E P "This mask has blue crystals for eyes! %GT23 .I T1(23):1 .T J +3 .E %GT.. !!!!! .S T1(23)=0 .S TC(23)=0 .S TL(23)=255 .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .B SUNAL .S V=P .D .B SUNME .S V=P .D ._ P .!CLRT .I T0(23):0 .T P "You gently reach into the altar and .T P "extract the mask. .E P "You feel a surge of power as you .E P "grasp the mask. .E S T1(23)=2 .$ P SEARCALTAR SEARCOPENI SEARCHOLE .!CLRT .I T1(23):0 .T J +5 .I T1(23):1 .T P "There is a mask in the altar. .E P "You find nothing else. !!!!! .P "After fumbling around in the dust for .P "awhile you touch something strange. .P "Could it be . . . is it . . . .!MORE .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .B SUNAL .S V=P .D .B SUNMA .S V=P .S CO(5)=2 .S CO(7)=2 .S CO(25)=5 .D ._ P .!CLRT .P " . . . it is! . . . Another mask! .P "This one has blue crystals for eyes! .$ P .!MORE .P "As soon as you touch the blue eyed .P "mask, the other mask disappears in .P "a cloud of dust! .!MORE .S T0(23)=1 .S TC(23)=255 .S TL(23)=41 .S T0(8)=1 .P "You feel the accursed disease leave .P "your body. This must indeed be the .P "true mask. .S T1(23)=1 SEARC .!CLRT .P "Search what? %BK.. %D... %OU.. %E... .P "As you step back, the altar closes .P "with the sound of grinding stone. .I T1(23):1 .T S TL(23)=255 .3 ROOM 41.3 .!GOTO %DR23 .I TC(23):0 .E P "You don't have the mask. .T %DR.. %KI23 %TH23 .I TC(23):0 .E P "You don't have the mask. .T %KI.. %DRON %US23 .I L#23 .T !VAGR .T J -3 .I TC(23):0 .E P "You don't have the mask. .T !MAON !GRND .S SV(4)=0 .S SV(6)=110 .S SV(7)=130 .N N @@@@@